In een wereld waarin we van alles ‘moeten’ lopen we vaak vast. We ervaren druk, stress, en leven voornamelijk uit ons hoofd. Het is dan vaak lastig om je eigen koers of pad te vinden.Door invloeden van opvoeding en de maatschappij zijn we vaak bij onszelf weggegaan en is het een hele uitdaging om weer te ontdekken wat je unieke pad is.

Een aantal jaren geleden ben ik hier zelf ook tegenaan gelopen. Ik ben destijds gestopt met mijn kantoorbaan omdat ik al een enige tijd rondliep met de vraag: is dit het nu? Wordt het niet eens tijd voor mijzelf? Wat kom ik hier doen of wat is mijn levenspad? Vragen die waarschijnlijk veel mensen zullen herkennen.

Ik was een gevoelig kind en voelde me altijd anders. Ik dacht anders en snapte vaak niks van de wereld om me heen. Ook hierin zullen velen zich herkennen. Omdat ik me vaak alleen en onveilig voelde was ik op jonge leeftijd al totaal afgesneden van mijn gevoel. Ik leerde me aan te passen aan de verwachtingen van mijn omgeving. Kortom, ik had geen verbinding meer met mezelf. Dit resulteerde erin dat ik te kampen kreeg met paniekaanvallen en hyperventilatie. Dit was een teken voor mij dat ik met mijn innerlijke wereld aan de slag mocht. Ik volgde healing en coaching sessies, die mij weer in contact hebben gebracht met mezelf. Door mooie en diepe processen ben ik gegaan en nog steeds gaan die processen door. Ik kreeg het verlangen om ook mensen te willen ondersteunen bij hun innerlijke ontwikkeling. Daarom ben ik een healing & coaching opleiding gaan volgen, waarin ik mezelf steeds beter leerde kennen. Mijn innerlijke processen verdiepten zich nog meer en het contact met mijn eigen ziel en gevoel herstelde zich. Ik leerde om mezelf weer te waarderen en ontdekte wat mijn kwaliteiten zijn.

Intuïtie en aanvoelend vermogen en tegelijk het geheel goed kunnen overzien zijn mijn sterke punten. Daarnaast kan ik dingen ook praktisch neerzetten. Spiritualiteit geïntegreerd in het dagelijkse leven, met beide benen op de grond, dat is wat ik graag wil bijdragen.

Door mijn eigen ervaring help ik jou graag stappen zetten op jouw eigen unieke pad. Helpen op het gebied van spirituele ontwikkeling, bewustwording, fysieke en mentale gezondheid. Zodat je meer vanuit je ware zelf gaat leven zonder aangepast gedrag of beïnvloeding van buitenaf.  Zo kom je meer in verbinding met jezelf én met je omgeving.

Wil jij die stappen zetten en gaan we samen die uitdaging aan?

Dan ontmoet ik jou graag!

Lieve groet,


Wat klanten zeggen:

“Er is veel gebeurd de laatste tijd en vooral positieve dingen. Ik zit echt veel lekkerder en zekerder in m’n vel, ondanks de situatie in de wereld… Het lukt me beter en beter dicht bij mezelf te blijven. Ik ben je heel dankbaar voor je fijne, warme, lieve, bruikbare en doelgerichte hulp, tools en healings. Naast je kunde ben je bovenal een prachtig mens!” Liefs Chantal, The Netherlands

“This was an important week for me. Here I found the perfect place for this retreat I needed for a long time. Geraldine´s care and respectful attention brought me long time healing.

Thank you so much Geraldine!

I now leave more mindful, enlightened and anchored. While I now carry something of the forest energy with me, I hope this place of rest and connection can always be a place of peace and care for you” Adrien, France (private healing retreat)

One of the best experiences of my life.”

“Give yourself the gift of a retreat by Geraldine at Anneberg, you will remember it forever. There are so many retreat experiences available these days, and I have tried many myself. I have never found anything like this special place – and more importantly the remarkable people who run it.

From the moment I booked, I was comforted and relaxed by her clear and helpful communications. Since I was coming all the way from San Francisco, it was so helpful to have her simple and quick guidance on travel information and everything I needed. Upon arriving and meeting Geraldine, it was clear that she glows with a peaceful and compassion-filled spirit. I arrived to Anneberg in deep need of healing after some major challenges in my life took place across the year before my retreat. Geraldine’s presence creates a feeling for you that allows you to completely let go and find the exact type of healing you need for your specific journey. We took each day, one by one – and she would customize the plan based on my energy, what was coming up in the work itself, and her incredible intuition. She has an amazing gift of sensing things that could help, and many things that brought me the deepest relief and healing were little things she offered and thought of based only on her senses.

She listens with complete acceptance, and zero judgement. She is encouraging, gentle, yet always with a wistful smile.

We did several healing activities including yin yoga, a life journey/collage project, a fire ceremony, inner child work, some card and crystals work, and more. Though it should be noted that nothing ever felt rushed or busy, everything flowed and was very relaxing. I had a lot of time every day for solitude, rest and contemplation. I journaled, walked the grounds, enjoyed the simple pleasures of cooking for myself and listening to music in the camper. I even painted a small canvas that became a treasured keepsake from my special time there.

I also had many lovely chats with Demi and Eduard, and they are just as kind and warm as Geraldine.

It’s also worth a note that we shared some great laughs and playful times as well, it’s not all 100% serious or deep. You can be completely yourself, whether you feel lots of energy or totally exhausted, emotional or logical, they will all be there to make you feel at home and provide what you need.

I believe that if you take a retreat at Anneberg, you will feel truly rejuvenated, and full of life when you depart. And if you are like me, you will be dreaming of the next time you can return”.

Darianne, California USA (7 day private healing retreat)


“This retreat was very meaningful for me. Now three weeks after the retreat I can say: I am doing FINE. Very much has changed for me. I feel PEACEFUL every day since then. It was like “magic” for me. It was like staying in a prison cell, searching for the key – and finally FIND THE KEY to the door – being able to open the door and step into freedom. Many situations in everyday life has been completely different afterwards. I am how I am now, I don’t have to pretend and try to fit in – I can just be myself. That is very different from the way I have been before. The retreat was really important and meaningful for me! Thanks, a lot”. Kristin, Norway (7 day silence retreat)

“Geraldine, thanks for doing this and setting up this unique experience! I found what I needed and had been looking for, and now I am looking forward to upcoming experiences and the opportunities to growth”. With love, Ugur (7 day silence retreat)

“My solo silent meditation retreat at your wonderful place was one of the best spiritual experiences in my life. Many thanks for making it possible to have a proper silent retreat. I appreciate your care and support”. Love Egor (4 day silence retreat)

“I am not quite sure what to say. This week was not what I imagined. I came in thinking my problems and issues were so big, I could never get over them. But after just a few sessions during my retreat, everything seemed different. Geraldine is like the kind of woman whom everyone loves. She is always so warm and comforting. Thanks for everything”! Dana (private healing retreat)

“Geraldine, Thank you for holding the space and time for me to heal. I truly enjoyed my time here and I leave with so much clarity! This journey wasn´t so much about becoming anything. It was about unbecoming all that isn´t me, so I can become who I´m meant to be. Thank you”! Vanessa (private healing retreat)

“Dear Geraldine, this has been such a great, transforming week. The sanctuary you have created here, really provided the setting a needed for things unfold on the inside.

My time here has truly brought me to new depths and heights within me. I´m sure this place will provide the same for so many others on their paths.

Thank you so much for your warm heartedness, wisdom and open arms. I will take so much calm, peace, insight and trust in life with me from here. And leave lots of other things behind. Thanks”! Vincent (silence retreat)

“Dear Geraldine,

Thank you for this amazing week. I have truly felt a sense of peace in this wonderful place of yours.
During this week, I had the time, space, and quiet to let go of stress, gain new insights about meditation, yoga, and, most importantly, myself. I also deeply enjoyed the fire ceremony, which allowed me to release what no longer serves me and share my heartfelt letter with the group.
This week has truly helped me reconnect with who I am and embrace the exciting challenges that lie ahead.
Thank you for helping me feel so much lighter, more confident, and happy”!

Lots of love, Megan (woman winter retreat)


It’s time to leave this beautiful and peaceful place. I really enjoyed spending a week here, and the retreat was exactly what I needed. It was wonderful to have so much peace and time for myself, as well as engaging and enjoyable group activities. I even picked up some new tools along the way!

I also loved the food—it was delicious every single time—and I appreciated the wide selection for breakfast and snacks. So thoughtful!

I definitely hope to come back someday. Maybe for another retreat, or perhaps just to spend a few quiet days working here. I can absolutely see myself doing that”!

Warm regards and thank you so much! Marian (woman winter retreat)

“Dear Geraldine,

Thank you for providing such a wonderful space, both physically and mentally, for this past week. It’s something I will always hold close to my heart.
This retreat gave me the much-needed time and space to reflect, and I’m leaving with so much energy, inspiration, motivation, and insights for the year ahead. At the same time, I feel incredibly blessed with a deep inner peace, which was my main intention for this retreat.
The balance was perfect, a mix of time to spend freely on my own, shared activities, dedicated moments for reflection, and plenty of rest.
Thank you so much for this incredible experience! I will always cherish it”.

All the best, Victoria (woman winter retreat)

“Dearest Geraldine,

No words can truly express how grateful I am to you and for the retreat oasis you and your family have created. From the moment I arrived, I felt at home—perhaps for the very first time in my life. It truly felt as though the Universe brought me here, to you.

It’s clear that so much love, thought, and care went into creating your vision for the Anneberg Retreat Center. The interior décor, the cozy and warm atmosphere, the thoughtful layout, and the serene location all came together to create a true sanctuary for me. I felt safe, nurtured, loved, and seen.

During my time here, I connected with my inner child and embraced my feminine energy. By opening myself to this experience, I unlocked countless insights and breakthroughs. I feel reborn and awakened. You helped me tear down so many walls and open my heart to the possibilities ahead.

Thank you for being the catalyst for this profound turning point in my life. I will be forever grateful to you, and I hope our paths and spirits cross again one day”.

With love, Mona (silence retreat)